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kynge toke his leve of͵ þᵉ holy fadir þᵉ Pope and Pa//
and Cardynalys and Senatoures fuƚƚ͵
ryche and leffte good gouernaunce in þᵗ noble cite and
aƚƚ͵ þᵉ contrays of͵ Rome for to warde and to kepe on
payne of͵ deth͵ And after lycence gyven he returned and commaunded that no man shold not robbe ne take vytaylle ne other thynge by the way but that he shold paye therfore on payne of deth þᵗ in no wyse his cōmaundement͵ be

Milestone: King Arthur and men return

¶ Thus he passyth͵ thorow þᵉ contreyes of͵ aƚƚ͵
partyes And so kyngʹ Arthure passed ouer þᵉ see vnto
Sandwyche haven ¶ Whan quene Gwenyuere her//
de of͵ his cōmynge she mette wᵗ hym at͵ London &
so dud aƚƚ͵ oþer quenys and nobƚe ladyes‧› for there was
neuer a solempnerʹ metyngʹ in one cite to gedyrs for
aƚƚ͵ maner of͵ Rychesse they brought͵ wᵗ hemʹ at͵ þᵉ fuƚƚ͵
¶ Here endyth͵ þᵉ tale of͵ þᵉ noble kynge Arthure
that͵ was Emperourʹ hymʹ self͵ thorow dygnyte of͵ his
hondys. And here folowyth͵ afftir many noble
talys of͵ Sir Launcelot͵ de lake


Explycit͵ the noble tale be twyxt͵ kynge
Arthure and Lucius͵ the Emperourʹ of͵ Rome

how about this ͥ · elot ƚƚ༿ ƚƚ ƚƚ͵ ƚ ƚer 
 ᵘʳ ᵅ ar ʳ com ·ʾ comʼ comˀ comʾ  ·ʾ ʹ ͵ · · XXX


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